Scheduling Presentations


Your success during your first week with Vector will be determined by:

Quantity of HM3 Appointments: It’s a numbers game! More HM3 Appointments = More Sales


Tips For Scheduling First Weekend Appointments

Spanish Approach Click Here


•      Hi (CUSTOMER NAME), this is                           . How are you?  (Visit / catch up for a bit)

•      Well, the reason I’m calling is I just started a great, new job showing Cutco.

•      As part of my training, I’m required to put on some initial training appointments.

•      (Smile)So you don’t have to buy anything, because I get paid just to show it. I do presentations in person (or virtually)... I just need you to be home with your laptop or computer.

•      I want to do (GOAL #) appointments by (Deadline Day - 3 days out) to hit my goal.

•      So I wanted to know if I could schedule a call on (DAY) at (TIME) or would (TIME) be better for you?


•      (REPEAT DAY and TIME) - Great!  Thanks a ton! This really means a lot to me!

•      Do you have a piece of paper and a pen nearby? Perfect, if you could just jot down that we will be having our appointment on (DAY) at (TIME).

•      Will (SPOUSE'S NAME //or// YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE) be available too?

If NO: No worries! I'd love to see you both if possible so I can get both of your opinions! Could we pick a different time that might work better? Would (DAY) at (TIME) work or maybe (TIME)?"

One more quick thing; can I get your email so I can send you a confirmation? (Don't put email into VectorImpact)

•      (Smile) Thanks so much for helping me with this! I’m really looking forward to catching up. I know this doesn’t mean a lot to you, but it means a ton to me. Thank you so much!

•      I'm going to send you a confirmation email and I’ll text you a reminder. Then, I’ll see you at (time am/pm) so please don’t forget about me!


What Is CUTCO?

Cutco is a line of high-quality kitchen cutlery and a few outdoor items. I’m sure you already have tons of knives, but I get paid just to show it to you! So, would ____ or _____ be better for you?

I Already Own CUTCO

That’s great! How do you like it? (pause). Awesome, well like I said, I am doing it for the training and I’d love to get your opinion and maybe some pointers. Plus, I get paid anyway. So, would ____ or _____ be better for you?

That Time Doesn’t Work or I’m Really Busy

No problem, I’m really busy too, but I really need to do ____ appointments by _______, and I can make sure to keep it short. Is that a bad day or just a bad time? So, how about __________ at _____ or would __________ at _____ be better?

How Long Does It Take?

Not too long at all - my part is about 40-50 minutes, but it might be slightly longer if there's anything you're interested in. So, which time would be best for you, __________ at ______ or __________ at _______?

My Partner/Spouse Cannot Make it

No worries! I'd love to see you both if possible so I can get both of your opinions! Could we pick a different time that might work better? Would (DAY) at (TIME) work or maybe (TIME)?


Send right after booking!

Subject: Cutco Scholarship Appointment with (Their Name) & (Your Name) day at ____pm :)


Hi __!

Thank you for setting up this virtual appointment with me! It really helps me out, and we are going to have tons of fun! Just a reminder: our appointment will be at __ on __ and we will be going over the Cutco products on a special website.

In order to hit my goals, I need to show Cutco to as many people as possible so it would be great if you could think of some friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers who might be nice enough to take a look. I know this appointment doesn't mean a lot to you but it really helps me toward my goals so I truly appreciate you making the time for me!

Here is the link for our appointment:

(Google Meets/Zoom Link)

Thank you,





Already Own It: That’s awesome! How long have you had it? Well, I get paid just for doing the presentation and it would be great if you could give me some pointers. Also, I can inspect your knives and help you send it back to get sharpened and polished for free. It would really help me out, so would _______ or would _______ be better for you?

Busy: No problem (NAME), so am I. That’s why I’ll be in and out before you know it. So could you squeeze me in real quick at _____________ or would_________ be better?

Or... No problem (NAME). Is that a bad day or just a bad time?

Call Me Tomorrow: When’s the best time to get a hold of you? So you’ll be there at ____? I actually have an opening at that time that I really need to fill, is it okay if we just schedule it for that time?

Call Me Next Week: I can definitely do that (NAME), but I’m in a Huge Contest and I need to complete _____ presentations by ________. Is there any way you can Squeeze me in before then?

Can’t You Just Say You Did The Demo? No, (NAME), I can’t lie to my boss. Besides it’s quick and fun and there’s no obligation to buy because I get paid just to do it. It would really help me out, so would ____ or ____ be better for you?

How Long Does It Take? 40 minutes, but if after 15 minutes, you’re not interested you can just hang up on me! So could you squeeze me in real quick at _____ or would _____ be better?

I’m NOT Going To Buy: No problem (NAME). It still helps me towards my goal just by listening. I’ll be in and out before you know it. I need to get in one more by ______ so would ________ or would ________ be better for you?

I’m NOT Interested: No problem. You don’t need to be interested. I get credit just for showing you. I promise I'll keep it quick and you’d be helping me out big time with my contest and scholarship chances. So could you squeeze me in real fast on ________ at ____ or would ___ be better?

Seen The Demo 100 Times! That’s great! So you could probably do it better than me! All I have to do is walk through some things on the website and you can give me some pointers. It would really help me out with my contest and scholarship chance. So would ____ or ____ be better?

What Are You Selling? What I’m showing is called Cutco, it’s a great set of kitchen knives and gadgets. I know you probably have tons of knives but I get paid just to show it and it really helps me towards my goals. So could I schedule you for ______ and ____ or do you think ____ would work better for you?

The Phrase That Pays...

(NAME), I know you’re probably really busy but I need to do ______ appointments by __________ in order to hit my goal. Is there any way you can squeeze me in on _______ or is _________ better for you?


Great! I was hoping you could help me out with something I'm working on for school. Do you have a few minutes?

Ok, well, I’m a __(Grade/Year) _ at ___(School)_____, and this summer I’m actually working with a company, trying REALLY hard to earn a scholarship for college.  My assignment is REALLY simple: Basically, I get paid to show a product to people who I’ve been personally recommended to, but the COOL thing about it is that since I get paid just to show it so you don’t have to buy anything, I just need to get your opinion on it really quickly; It’s a lot of fun, it’s quick and easy, and it can actually help me win a scholarship from the company. By the way, I can do the presentation right over the phone, you just need to be in front of a computer or tablet and have internet access.

I need to do ______ appointments by _________ (next 3 days) to hit my goal. So I was hoping I could schedule a call with you at _________(day) at (time)________ or would (time)_______, be better for you?   (Set a time)

Awesome! Thank you SO MUCH. You have no idea how much this means to me :)

Can I grab your email address real quick so I can send you a confirmation? (Don't put email into VectorImpact)

Thank you :-)

I have us down for _(day)_ at (time) correct?  Great!  I’m looking forward to our call you at ___(repeat time)__.

Thank you again!


Hi is this (CUSTOMER NAME)? Oh hey this is (YOUR NAME), how are you today? Awesome!  Well I don’t know if my name is going to ring a bell but I was meeting with (SPONSOR) and he/she was just helping me out with a project I’m working on for school and they thought you might be able to help too. Did he/she end up giving you a heads up I’d be calling?

(IF NO) Oh okay, no worries, I probably just beat them to it... Do you have a quick second?

(IF YES) Okay great! Well I’m not sure how much they told you about what I’m doing... Do you have a quick second?

Okay thanks! Well basically I am working with a company this semester to help gain some practical resume experience and just try to stay as busy as I can during the pandemic. I am also a (YEAR) at (SCHOOL), and I’m working hard to earn a scholarship for school. All I have to do is show a product called Cutco to people who I have been personally recommended to. Every appointment I schedule also helps me towards a scholarship (OR promotion)! All you have to do to help me out is just watch a very brief demonstration on your computer and give me your opinion on the product. The best part is there is no obligation to buy anything because I get paid just to show it. (SPONSOR) says that you’re SUUUUPERRR nice and might be able to help me out by just taking a quick look.

(NAME), I need to complete ___ more appointments by (DAY) to earn a full week’s pay and stay on track for my goals. I was wondering if you could squeeze me in for a quick presentation, it’s really fun and all you need is access to a computer with internet. I’m sure you’re SUPER busy with (the weekend/the beginning of the week, etc) coming up but would you be able to squeeze me in on (DAY) at (TIME) or would (TIME) work better?

AFTER TIME CHOSEN: Great! And will (SPOUSE) be available too? I would love to get both of your opinions because I actually get double credit as well!

IF SPOUSE WON’T BE THERE: Okay, no problem, would another time be better for you both like (DAY OF WEEK) (Morning/Afternoon/Evening) or (DAY OF WEEK) (Morning/Afternoon/Evening)

IF SPOUSE STILL CAN’T BE THERE: Okay just out of curiosity, if you do see something that you like, are you the one that typically makes the purchasing decisions for the kitchen or is it a joint decision?


AWESOME thank you so much this really helps me out. Do you happen to have a pen and paper handy? Great, could you write down that I’ll be calling on __ at ___? And again, my name is ___, just in case you forgot :)

Could you also just jot down my confirmation number just so my manager can keep track of my appointments? The confirmation number is (Your Rep Number). Can you just read that back to me real quick so I know you’ve got it? Also, like I said you don't have to buy anything, but if you see something you like I can give you a great deal to get it on the presentation with that confirmation number!

Also, can I get your email so that I can send you a calendar invite with the zoom link for the presentation? (Don't put email into VectorImpact)

Lastly, I just want to confirm that (__) on (__) works for you just because I actually had a couple people cancel or reschedule on me last minute because they forgot. One person didn’t even give me a heads up they wouldn’t be there so I was waiting on the zoom by myself for about half an hour… I know you would never do anything like that, but I ended up with a big hole in my schedule that I wasn’t able to fill and I couldn’t reach my goal. So you’re 100% sure that time works for you, right? (PAUSE AND LET THEM CONFIRM) I really appreciate your time. I know it doesn't mean a whole lot to you, but it really does to me... so thank you! I can’t wait to talk to you at (_) on (__).


How long will it take?

Two days. But don't worry - I’ve got an endless supply of dad jokes to keep us entertained. (PAUSE) I'm just kidding - My part will only take 35-45 minutes, unless we get to just chatting and having too much fun. So is __ at ___ good, or would ___ be better for you?

I already have Cutco.

Option 1) Great! How long have you had it? How do you like it? I know you probably don’t need any more, but I would love to call, review the guarantee, and maybe get a testimonial letter! I’ll show you some of the new stuff plus I still get paid just like a full presentation. So is __ at ___ good, or would ___ be better for you?

Option 2) That’s great! How long have you had it? I know you probably don’t need any more, but it will really help me to practice with you because people who already have Cutco can help me out with the best feedback! Plus, as part of your guarantee, I can show you how to get it serviced as well!  So is __ at ___ good, or would ___ be better for you?

I'm Busy OR Call me later/ call me next week/etc.

Option 1) I understand that. I’m super busy too trying to pay for school. It doesn’t take very long - I’ll be right on and right off - plus it’s a lot of fun! So is __ at ___ good, or would ___ be better for you?

Option 2 - Last Resort) I can totally appreciate that - I am really busy too with this job and school. The last thing I want to do is come in between you and your schedule. It's just that this is really important to me because I’m in this (contest/scholarship race/push period/fast start) and I NEED to get in ____ appointments by (day of the week)... So how about I make you a deal: I’ll call you for just 15 minutes. If you don’t see anything you like, you have to go, or I even just look funny then you can jump off the call and it will still be really helping me out for school and everything. So can you squeeeeeze me in for like 15 minutes on _______ or would ________ better?

That time/day doesn't work

Okay, is that a bad time or a bad day? (Let them answer). What is normally better for you: morning, afternoon, or evenings? (let them answer) In that case, can you squeeeeze me in on __ at ___ , or would ___ be better for you?

Could you call me back later and we will set a time?

Option 1) I can definitely call you back, the only thing is I really need another ___ appointments for this week to get a full week’s pay so if you could set something up now, it would mean so much to me. It's a really quick presentation.  I promise I'll be in and out before you even know it!  So how’s _____ or would ______ be better for you?

Option 2) I can definitely call you back. What day would you like me to follow up again? When on (the day they tell you)? Early morning or late evening? You are sure you will be home then? Let me just write that on my schedule… You know what... I’m actually available at that time. Since you know you will be free then, I can just call for the actual appointment then. Sound good?

Can you call me to remind me?

I want to make sure I have a full schedule and won't be lacking any appts. If you’re not sure about that time, why don’t we just find another time that works better for you?

What is Cutco? OR What's the product?

Option 1) It’s a high quality line of cutlery and kitchen stuff. I’m sure you already have plenty of knives, but I get paid just to show it. So is __ at ___ good, or would ___ be better for you?

Option 2) Baby alligators, your kids are going to love them... (PAUSE) I'm just kidding, it's called Cutco. Have you heard of it before?

Option 3) Waterproof towels/Solar-powered flashlights/Glass bouncy balls... (PAUSE) I'm just kidding, it's called Cutco. Have you heard of it before?

Option 4) It’s cattle and livestock.  I’ll bring over some cows, sheep, and goats, you know, I’ll try to not get too much hay on your floor… (PAUSE) No I’m just kidding, it’s just some stuff for the kitchen and the outdoors.  I know you have plenty of things like that, but I get paid just for telling you a little bit about it; and it really helps me out as part of my training. So, is ___ at __ good, or would ___ be better for you?

I’m not interested.

That’s great because you don't have to be interested at all!  Like I mentioned, I get paid just for seeing you. It's real quick, and you’ll really be helping me out just by giving me your opinion on how I'm doing.  Plus it’s all online so it makes it super easy. So is __ at ___ good, or would real quick at ___  be better for you?

How about you just say you did the presentation?

I really appreciate your willingness to help me and I wish it were that simple, but it is all on an honor code. The company has been very good to me and trusts me, so I have to be honest about my presentations. Like I said, I get paid just to show you, so it would really help me out if I can call you on _____ at ______, or would ______ be better for you?

I’m leaving town.

Oh that’s great! Where are you going? (Let them answer) Can I come? (PAUSE) I’m just kidding! :) Well it would really mean a lot to me if you could squeeeeeze me in for a few minutes before you leave... (Pause, wait for response)

If they don't object: So when exactly do you leave? So, I could call you on __ at ___, or would ___  be better for you?

If they still say no: Oh okay, then I'll get in touch with you when you get back. When would be a good time to follow up?


“Hi _____, you might not recognize my number but my name is __________. I’m a friend of ______ and they said I should give you a call. Sorry for not getting a hold of you. It’s not a random number or solicitor, just me (haha)! Hope to hear back from you soon. Thanks ______!”

“Hey_____, this is ___________. I’m friends with (first/last name). I saw them the other day because they were helping me out with something I’m doing to help with school and maybe earn a scholarship. They thought you might be nice enough to help me out too. If you could give me a call back that would be awesome. I can give you a try later on as well. Hope you have a great day ____!”

“Hi ________, this is _________, a friend of __________. I have a quick question. Give me a call back when you get a chance! Thanks!”

Text Message Scripts

Hi _______! This is ______. Your (friend, neighbor), _______ said I should give you a call. Is there a better time to call back?

“What’s this about?”: I had a quick question in regard to a scholarship. Do you have time for a call?

Full Text – Last Resort – Acquaintances (For call-backs and hard to reach acquaintances)

Hi _________, this is _________, (remind of relation). I've called a few times and haven't got in touch with you, so I thought I would shoot you a quick text. The reason I was calling is I have a job this summer with Cutco. I’m definitely not just trying to sell you something (if you want to buy, great). But that’s not really the big reason. I wanted to try something different than what most HS/college kids do to build my resume and maybe earn a scholarship for college. I get credit to just show you the products and the best part is I do it over the phone, you just need to be in front of a computer. There’s no obligation to buy, just watch & critique me if you like! I’m trying to complete ____ this week. So I was wondering if there was any way you could squeeze me into your busy schedule. It would mean a lot to me and if you can spare about 40 minutes, you can call me or I can send you my open times. Thanks so much!

Full Text – Last Resort – Introductions (Use if having trouble connecting with or scheduling a prospect)

Hi ________. This is ________. I’m a friend of __________ and a student at _________. They thought you might be able to help me out. I'm not sure if they told you much about what I'm doing, but I'm basically doing quick presentations for Cutco to try and earn a scholarship for college and build my resume. You don't have to buy anything because I still get paid to just show it! And again, filling my schedule is the key. So I was wondering if you had some time to help me out. I do all my presentations over the phone. We can either set it up over text or you can call me, feel free to ask me any questions too. Let me know if you'd be able to help me towards my scholarship. Thanks in advance and have a great day!