Getting More HM3s


Method 1: Go through your contacts in Vector Impact App

Method 2: Calling Friends to get Parents’ Numbers

  • Always best to talk to friends over the phone instead of over text when possible!

Social Media DM to get phone number

“Hey _____! Hope all is well. (Okay to personalize) I have a really quick question but it’s too long to type. Can I have your number and give you a call?”

Phone Call Script

Hey _______, I need you to do me a quick favor. I’m calling all of my friends right now.

I started this new job and I’m in this huge contest to earn a scholarship.

All I have to do is this really quick presentation for people and get their opinion on something.

It’s pretty easy to do, but I have to see people that are over 30 and own a home. I was thinking your parents fit that description. I have to actually call them and ask them personally about it. Even if they’re too busy to do it, that’s fine. It helps me just to call them and ask them about it.

So who’s easier to talk to, your mom or your dad? Cool, let me get her/his number real quick. It would really help me out. Thanks a lot! Ok I gotta go, but I really appreciate it. This helps a ton!


“I’ll Text You Their Number”

No worries! I have a pen and paper in front of me so I can just write it down real quick.

“Are You Selling Something?”

Yes, but what’s cool about it is that they don’t have to buy anything so it’s no pressure at all. Whether I actually sit down with them or I just talk to them over the phone for 60 seconds, it still helps. Don’t worry, I promise I won’t bother them. It’s really fun actually. So can you help me out?

“Let Me Ask Them First”

That’s okay. But, like I said, I’m really supposed to talk to them myself to compete for the scholarship. I wouldn’t be doing this if I thought I was going to bug your parents. It won’t take a lot of time, and I’m sure they won’t be mad at you for helping your friend. So can you help me out?

“They’re Really Busy” or “I’m Not Sure They Would Want To”

No big deal. Worse thing that could happen is they say “no” and then it still helps me towards the contest. It takes literally 60 seconds for me to talk to them on the phone, so it won’t take up too much of their time. So can you help me out?

“What’s The Presentation About?”

I’m just demonstrating some cool kitchen stuff. Like I said, it’s really easy and they don’t have to commit to seeing it or buying anything, I just have to call and ask them. If they say they’re busy then no big deal. So can you help me out?


  • Ask when the best time of day is to call their parents (makes phone time easier)

  • Have friend give their parents a heads up to let them know you’ll be calling

Method 3: Ask your relatives

    • Remind them that you get paid just to show it and there's no pressure to buy.

    • If they have questions, take them through the parent FAQ ---

Method 4: Reaching out to current and past teachers

  • Google your school and find the staff directory

  • Most teachers should have at least their email listed

  • Call those with numbers and email the others to get their best contact phone number.


Hi Mrs./Mr. __,

I hope you and your family are in good health and spirits!

My name is (NAME), and I was in your (SUBJECT) class in (YEAR). I’m now going to (SCHOOL) and I’m looking to go into (MAJOR OR CAREER GOAL).

I’ve been trying to maximize the free time I have with remote learning to connect with various professionals over Zoom and expand my network! Would you be willing to help me with a demonstration I am working on in order to *insert goals* (gain more confidence and improve my public speaking skills, hit my next promotion, build my resume, graduate debt-free, and overall better prepare for my future endeavors)? I also have the opportunity to earn a scholarship that will help with my school fees as well! I would love to chat and tell you more about the demo and how you can help me, though my project can be a bit lengthy to explain in an email. May I get your phone number to give you a brief call to discuss more? :)

Thank you,


(TYPE OF DEGREE ie: Bachelors of Arts in Political Science)


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Just ASK.