

Ask for introductions after you enter their order but before you wrap up the appointment!

Three Keys: Ask, Smile, Follow the Script

STEP 1: Ask for Introductions

  • (Customer Name)__________, how did you like my demo?

  • Great! Go ahead and pull out your cell phone because there’s one more very important part...

  • Here’s where you can really help me out.

  • I get paid every time I show Cutco, but I can only show it to people I’ve been personally recommended to.

  • So what I need you to do is grab your phone!... open your contacts and let’s jot down the first 100 names of people who you think of... who might be nice enough to help me out. 🙃 -- Just kidding, just 10-15 people who might be nice enough to help me out.

  • Now, I’m not looking for people who you think would buy, just nice people like you willing to take a look.

  • So for every 10 that we get down, you count as one of my sponsors. Once I get 50 sponsors, my manager gives me $150 dollars _____________________________________________

  • Most people help me with down 20-30 names and numbers to count as a double or triple sponsor, once again... 10 names and numbers is what counts other wise it don't count for the sponsorship.

  • I have a pen ready, who do you think we can add first? (Who's next)

  • Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it.


How to explain the Sponsorship properly:

We also have this awesome program called the Automatic Sponsorship

Now the way the Automatic Sponsorship works is for every 50 sponsors I get, the company gives me free Cutco that I can use to add samples to my presentation, I can also use it for promotions or gifts; it's a REALLY cool way the company gives back to its representatives.

What I like to do with my free Cutco is raffle it off to all of my sponsors, so it’s a way to give back to the people who have helped me out the most.

Now, the way you become a sponsor (just like _____ did) is you just get to the first level of 10 introductions. If you get to 20 you become a double sponsor and you count twice, 30 you count 3 times and so on. AND if you get past _____ you beat my record and you become my new best friend :)

So you’ve got the app open right? Ok, so the easiest way is to select the people you want to send over to me and the app will give us an opportunity to send a 3-way text to give them a heads up. It’s much easier to do this while we’re on Zoom together in case you have any questions for me. It’ll only take us 3-5 minutes. Let’s start in the A’s…who jumps out first?

STEP 2: Qualify Your Recs

  • Tell me about _______

  • What is their spouse’s name?

  • What do they do?

  • Do they have kids? How many? Names?

STEP 3: 1st Heads Up Text (Customer Sends Out)

Hi! I just virtually met with a college student, his name is (YOUR NAME). He goes to (YOUR SCHOOL) and is paying his way through school just by showing a product called Cutco. It's really cool stuff, but he gets credit just by showing it so there's no pressure to buy. He may be giving you a call, his number is (YOUR NUMBER) - help him out, he's really nice!

Hi! I just virtually met with a college student, her name is (YOUR NAME). She goes to (YOUR SCHOOL) and is paying her way through school just by showing a product called Cutco. It's really cool stuff, but she gets credit just by showing it so there's no pressure to buy. She may be giving you a call, her number is (YOUR NUMBER) - help her out, she’s really nice!

Hi! I just virtually met with a college student, their name is (YOUR NAME). They go to (YOUR SCHOOL) and are paying their way through school just by showing a product called Cutco. It's really cool stuff, but they get credit just by showing it so there's no pressure to buy. They may be giving you a call, their number is (YOUR NUMBER) - help them out, they're really nice!


  • Ideas for the customer: Address book, cell phone, directory

  • Thought joggers: Friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc. Lookers, not buyers! (See image beloe)

  • Who do you know who: loves to cook, has a lot of kids, BBQ’s…

  • Thank your Customer and ask for more! “Thank you so much ___, you have no idea how much this helps me out! If you can give me ____ more, you’ll become a (sponsor / double sponsor)!

  • Half-Sponsor; if they still aren't to 5: “Thank you (Name) so much for these ____ people, I really appreciate it! Just so you know, if you could even just get to 5 you would still count as a half sponsor and it still helps me out. All I have to do is get one other half sponsor and the company still counts it towards my automatic sponsorship numbers so I can earn that free Cutco.” (give thought joggers)

Out of town Demos! Don’t forget to ask for out-of-town introductions!

  • “Hey (Name), it’s my goal to meet with someone in all 50 states so who do you know who

lives out of the area?”

  • “I am trying to stay as busy as possible so it really helps if I can schedule demos at odd hours.

Who do you know who lives in a different time zone so I can keep my schedule full around my



Doesn’t Want to Download MyCutcoRep App

Hey (Name), no problem at all. You don’t have to download the app by any means, it’s just meant to be a big timesaver for us at this last part. Just so I know, what is your main hesitation with using the app?

Doesn’t want to take up space on phone:

Oh got ya, I completely understand. I feel like my phone is always giving me the notification that my iCloud is full too! What a lot of my customers do at this part is they actually download the app just for the presentation here and they delete it right after! That way I can get your feedback on my presentation and it will save us a ton of time with this last part of my demo. Do you think that would be okay to download it now and then just delete it right after?

If YES: (Go back into script)

If NO: No problem, we can just use pen and paper for this part! Go ahead and pull out your phone and open up your contacts because there is one more very important part... (Go back into script)

Doesn’t trust the app for some reason/Thinks it will collect their info:

Oh got ya, I completely understand. I feel like I’m always getting a pop-up to download something that I have no idea what it is or if it’s even above board. With our app though it’s really just geared so that I can get your feedback on how I did in my presentation and save us some time on this last part. Cutco doesn’t save any of your information at all and you decide what you want to send to me. What a lot of my customers do at this part is they actually download the app just for the presentation here and they delete it right after? Do you think that would be okay for you?

If YES: (Go back into script)

If NO: No problem, we can just use pen and paper for this part! Go ahead and pull out your phone and open up your contacts because there is one more very important part... (Go back into script)

I’ll Email Them to You Later

That would be awesome (Name) ! I appreciate you wanting to help me. However, I know you're REALLY BUSY & I’d hate to have to call you while you’re with family or at work. And, without referrals, I can’t do any more demos. BTW as a reminder, they don’t have to buy ANYTHING. So, if we could start with 1-2 off the top of your head now, and then send me the rest later it would really help me out. So, who are 1-2 people that you think are nice?

Don’t Know That Many People

It’s totally fine, especially since I get paid just to show it to them, even a few REALLY helps! So, let’s just start with a couple and we can come up with more later! So how about your... (thought joggers)

Don’t Like to Give Out People’s Names

I don’t blame you! If it were somebody else giving them a call besides me, I would be hesitant too. But I promise it will just be me so... ASK AGAIN.

I’ll Email/Text Them to You Later

(Although most customers mean well, it is extremely unlikely that they will send you referrals later)

Sure no problem, however since I know you’re so busy, I’d hate to ask you to work on this while you’re running your house, at work, or taking care of your kids. Can we come up with 1-2 right now and we can get the rest later? How about your... (thought joggers)

Let Me Call Them First and Get Back to You

Of course! I wouldn’t want to see them if they aren’t interested. To make it easier, go ahead and jot down their names and numbers and I will follow up with you tomorrow and you can let me know who it’s okay to call and who to cross off the list OR Perfect! Could we call a couple of them now and see what they say before I go?

I Don’t Feel Comfortable Giving Out My Friends' Numbers to People They Don’t Know

No worries I totally understand. Because I wouldn’t want to randomly call anyone like a telemarketer, I was actually going to ask you to reach out to your friends first to give them a heads up before I contact them. I have a super short text message I am going to send you that you can send to your friends to let them know that I’ll be calling. If for any reason they let you know they don’t want me to call, let me know and I’ll scratch them off my list! But this way I am able to show my manager that I’m working hard and I am able to keep setting up appointments and fill up my schedule! So if you could only give 3 names of really nice people who would be able to just take a look and don’t need to buy anything, I would really appreciate it! Who do you think I could write down first?


INITIAL APPROACH: Asking Family/Family Friend to Post for You

Hey ____! I hope all is well! I have a favor to ask you. Would you mind putting a Facebook status up for me? It would really help me out with some goals I am working towards. I will send you a template of what to post and I will also send you a photo of me. Would you be nice enough to put that post up? It would mean the world to me!

FACEBOOK APPROACH: Asking Customer on Appt to Post for You

(Name), thank you so much for these ___ referrals, it really helps me out! By the way, are you on Facebook? (If YES) Oh cool! Well hey, I know we’re not friends yet, but could we be? :) Awesome thanks, I’ll send you a request now! I’m not sure how active you are on your Facebook but I was going to see if there was any way you could give me a quick shout out on there as well? I’ve found that it’s a super easy way for me to spread the word about the scholarship contest I'm in and most people like that their friends can reach out to me directly! Would you be nice enough to put that post up? It would mean the world to me!

(If YES) Okay, thanks so much! I’m going to send you a template of what you would post as well as a super cute pic of me so they know who they would be meeting with! Just tag me in the photo with an @ since we are friends now and then I can reach out to anyone who is interested right there on Facebook!

Customer Facebook Post:

(Adjust verbiage to fit)

My (daughter/niece/new buddy), (NAME), is working with Cutco and he/she gets paid to present the product. There’s no pressure to get anything because he/she gets paid just to show it.

He/She also has the opportunity to earn a scholarship and he/she does the entire appointment online so it doesn’t even matter where you live! Let me know if you want to help him/her out by liking or commenting below. Thanks!

Message to People who Like/Comment:

(Adjust verbiage to fit)

Hey ____, thanks for liking/commenting on ____’s post! I wanted to reach out and see if you would be willing to help me out with a few minutes of your time. Like _____ said, you don’t have to get anything as I get paid just to show the product. The reason I’m working so hard this fall to earn a scholarship to help pay for school. Let me know when you might be free! Thanks a bunch ❤️

Second Message (if no initial response):

Hey____, I hate to bother you but I just wanted to make sure you saw my message. I’m working really hard this summer so I just wanted to send one follow up to see if you could possibly squeeze me in for a quick appointment. It’s pretty entertaining and it really helps me get some practice! Just let me know either way! :)